Welcome to Meurrens Machinery N.V.

Please inform yourself on our web-side concerning the current stock of tracked excavators, wheeled excavators, wheelloaders, dumptrucks, rollers, graders, dozers, industrial machines, asphalt paver, backhoe loader and equipment.

Buying and selling construction and industrial machinery

This is the main activity of Meurrens Machinery N.V., located in Lummen / Belgium. The favorable location of the company permits business in Europe and worldwide.

The company

Meet our reliable team and enjoy their advice and flexible service.

Your advantage

Personal service

Reliable order management and short reaction time

Big choice of different construction and industrial machines ­­– permanent available

First-class advice and technical support by phone

Direct selection of 200 items immediately available, assistance in transport matters

Area map

Contact us

Meurrens Machinery
Dellestraat 9+14
Zolder-Lummen Nr. 1065
3560 Lummen-Belgie
+32 13 539400
+32 13 539401

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